Friday, 25 October 2013

United States - India Science & Technology Endowment Fund

The governments of the United States of America (through the Department of State) and India (through the Department of Science & Technology) have established the United States – India Science & Technology Endowment Fund for promotion of joint activities that would lead to innovation and technopreneurship through the application of science and technology. The aim of the Fund is to support and foster joint applied R&D to generate public good through commercialization of technology achieved through sustained partnerships between US and Indian researchers and entrepreneurs.


  • Proposals must include a minimum of one partner from each country. Bi-national teams applying to the Endowment Fund will work together to commercialize technologies for societal impact.
  • The Bi-national teams can include:

  1. Start-up companies; or
  2. Incorporated companies; or
  3. Non-incorporated entities; or
  4. Individuals or consortia from academia, government laboratories, non-government R&D institutions.

  • Each bi-national team must include at the time of application an entrepreneurial (small-scale as opposed to large-scale) entity that will receive a portion of the grant and take the technology to the market. If partners are planning to form a new venture to commercialize the technology, the proposal should include planned incorporation date and the amount of grants requested for the new entity.
  • Relationships between the U.S. and Indian partners must be clearly defined, including ownership of intellectual property rights for the technology proposed to be developed and commercialized.
  • The proposed technology must have potential towards commercialization within 2-3 years.

Grant Size: Rs. 2.50 crore or approximately US $ 400,000

How to apply: Applications can be submitted online at

Last date to register online: November 30, 2013

For more details, visit:

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