Friday 22 November 2013

Monitor Functionality

The BIG-IP LTM system can monitor the health and performance of nodes and members, in an attempt to ensure client is not sent to a server that is not available or not serving good content.

A monitor is a test that BIG-IP performs on a node or member. The test can be as simple as a response from a node to highly interactive with multiple requests and corresponding responses.

A monitor generally tests a specific node or member for an expected response within a defined time interval.

BIG-IP uses the results of these tests to determine whether a node or member is available, meaning it is working properly and serving good content. After a monitor marks down, due to lack  or an inappropriate response  that particular member will not be sent client traffic.

BIG-IP LTM continues monitoring, so when a positive response is received the member can be marked up and once again receive client traffic.

The fallowing interactions describe the general steps to setup a monitor.

Step1: Create :- Just as with many other options in the web configuration utility, you create a new monitor from the local traffic tab in the navigation panel.

Step2: Name and Type :- The second step is to name the new custom monitor and select the type from the list of system templates.

Step3: Customize :- the third step is to customize the setting to fit any deployment-specific needs and then save the new monitor.

Step4: Assign :- The fourth step is to assign the monitor. Monitors can assigned to nodes, pool members or pools.

Step5: Status :- The final step is to view the status of the nodes, members, pools and virtual server. You can view status from the network map or statistic screens.


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